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Pain Compliance and the Judge Rotenberg Education Center: Campaigning for Better Practice
The Saturation Model and the Low Arousal Approach for Inclusion in Schools
Book Review: ‘So, I’m Autistic’ by Sarah O’Brien
Understanding the Studio 3 Approach to Physical Interventions - Terminology
The Evolution of the Low Arousal Approach
Practitioner Article: 'Autistic Women and Self-Injury'
Autism Understood: A New Resource from Spectrum Gaming
Good and Bad Autism Assessments: What to Look For
Book Review: ‘Untypical’ by Pete Wharmby
“If All You have is a Hammer”: Some Thoughts on Diagnostic Overshadowing
Studio 3 Training in Ireland: Updates
Book Review: ‘Speechless’ by Fiacre Ryan
Introducing the Newest Member of the Studio 3 Ireland Team
Clinical Services: Studio 3 Ireland
Meet the Trainer: Keri Dickson on Low Arousal Training
Hello from the Team at Studio 3 Kerry
Research in Education: Improving Provision for Pupils with Special Education Needs and Disabilities
Family Perspectives on Education
Upcoming Events in Education
The SEMH Handbook: How Local Authorities are Supporting Inclusion