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May 29, 2024
New Study: Families’ Experiences of the Low Arousal Approach
A recent study from Studio 3 practitioners and associates looked at the impact the Low Arousal Approach in family contexts.

May 29, 2024
Stress as a Transaction: Why Understanding Stress is Essential When Working with Children in Schools
Why is it essential to understand the transaction of stress between children with autism and other diagnoses, parents, and school staff?

Nov 16, 2023
Book Review: ‘So, I’m Autistic’ by Sarah O’Brien
In this book, Sarah provides information, guidance and advice for newly diagnosed or questioning teens and young people.

Aug 21, 2023
Practitioner Article: 'Autistic Women and Self-Injury'
This extract is from a recent practitioner article on women on the autism spectrum and self-injury, and how to support coping.

Mar 25, 2021
Excerpt: Freedom from Restraint and Seclusion
An excerpt from the upcoming book on Restraint and Seclusion Elimination: The Studio 3 Approach by Professor Andrew McDonnell, coming soon!

Mar 25, 2021
Book Review: The Reflective Journey
Dr. Rebecca Fish, a researcher at Lancaster University, reviews The Reflective Journey: A Practitioner's Guide to the Low Arousal...

Oct 29, 2020
Learning from Lockdown: Imagining the Future
In August, Studio 3 held a free web conference for families on Learning from Lockdown, and how the Covid-19 restrictions had impacted them.

Oct 29, 2020
Practitioner Article: 'The Relationship Between Staff Stress and Coping'
An excerpt from 'The Relationship between Staff Stress and Coping,' a practitioner article on the Low Arousal Approach.
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