Training Options for Staff and Services
In addition to specialised support, we also offer training courses in crisis management, Low Arousal Approaches and stress reduction which can be applied across the board. These training courses are available for individuals, staff teams around an individual, and whole organisations who wish to switch to Studio 3 methods:
Managing Signs of Distress (formerly Managing Challenging Behaviour) - Crisis Management training which focuses on de-escalation and gentle physical skills
Atlass - University-accredited stress and coping masterclass with a focus on understanding and managing your own stress first
Low Arousal Training - Now available online every Friday, Introductory and Advanced Training in the practical application of the Low Arousal Approach
LASER Training - For educational and school settings seeking to implement whole-school Low Arousal Approaches
Family Training - Tailored specifically towards family groups seeking to implement Low Arousal Approaches to support an individual
Trauma-Informed Care Training (Using the SSRR Approach) - Training for foster and residential carers in applying trauma-informed practice with looked after children
Train the Trainer - For staff who wish to become Studio 3 Trainers within their own setting
For more information on how we can meet your training needs, please contact us by email at training@studio3.org, or call 01225 334 111.
Organisations and Services Pathway
The Studio 3 team provides Mental Health and Well-Being Supports for frontline and professional staff who are working with distressed individuals in a variety of care contexts. This can include staff working in mental health hospitals, residential care settings, schools, foster homes, and supported living situations. We work with service providers and commissioners to ensure that risks and behaviours can be safely managed whilst positively meeting the emotional needs of vulnerable individuals.
Our clinical support services for organisations, services, and schools/educational settings include:
Risk assessments for specific individuals presenting behaviours of concern
Development of safeguarding strategies and approaches
Reduction of restraint as a behaviour control method
Stress management (for staff and service users)
Behaviour management strategies for high risk individuals and services
Providing practical advice, specialist staff/carer training and one-to-one support
The preparation of psychological reports for staff, representatives of placing authorities, and other concerned individuals on request
Carrying out pre-placement assessments and visits, and to give a professional opinion on issues related to suitability of placements
To assess other aspects of staff organisation and systems
Pathway for Organisations, Services and Educational Providers
Studio 3 have a long track record of liaison with services and agencies to support transitions to more appropriate settings. Our partners Lives Through Friends are often integral to collaborative work to transition individuals away from more institutional environments or where service design change is necessary. More generally, we also consult regularly with many care providers, particularly in disability and looked after children care settings, and offer support and guidance to managers, staff teams, and families connected with the person supported.
Examples of our work in this area include:
Psychological and neurodiversity education for organisations around understanding diagnoses, behaviours, stress, and trauma.
Debriefing and well-being services/support for staff and carers.
One-to-one therapy with children, young people and adults.
Providing clinical inputs and insights, for example producing care plans, informing service risk assessments, and advising on practice.
Reviewing service configuration and recommending revisions to models of service and support.
Supporting transition from secure settings to a return to the community, with appropriate supports.
Training agency staff to support individuals in transition, for example when a service provider withdraws service due to difficulty. Our team can act as mentors/supervisors for staff where the staff team requires additional professional guidance in order to manage complex individual presentations. Here we offer coaching, practitioner mentoring, direct practical support, work to increase proficiency in staff teams, guide staff towards embedding a Low Arousal culture and generally moving from theory to practice.
Providing assessments to, for example, social work in order to inform understanding of how well a family system is functioning and where the family might require support.
Attending review meetings with school or social work (CIN, TAF, TAC meetings) to provide a psychological perspective on need and support.
Managing transition of a person from their family home to supported living in their own home.
Providing support for parents/carers in helping to advocate for individuals in schools/services. This might include giving parents the language to be able to ask for accommodations for young people struggling who need access to necessary supports. Or again, we might explain the impact of an individual’s sensory needs to a school or employer so that the organisation can identify practical adjustments.
Working with people in secure/acute settings in complex cases where a systemic solution-focused approach is necessary.
Changing philosophies and mindsets within services and organisations, for example supporting transitions from one way of practice to another, or perhaps around transition to using Studio 3 Training Systems.
Supporting respite services for staff teams including training, mentoring and support.
Working with universities as neurodiversity experts, offering general support, training and coaching for well-being, inclusion, and disability services, or support for students directly.
For further information or to discuss options around clinical inputs for your organisation, please submit a referral.