Therapy and Counselling Pathway
Studio 3 offer online, face-to-face, and hybrid (a combination of both) therapy in a range of contexts and situations. We specialise in working with autism, trauma, and looked-after children in particular. Our clinical team will tailor therapy to the level of need and can also assist clients facing a wide range of difficulties. The following are examples of interventions we can offer:

Online counselling services are available for children and adults alike. Following a free consultation call, and after determining the needs of the individual and whether this is within the skills of the team, therapeutic sessions are offered. It is custom and practice to usually recommend 6 or 10 one-hour long sessions. These sessions will be offered over the video conferencing system Zoom, Microsoft teams or Cisco Webex, which are secure mediums ensuring full confidentiality of the individual. Sessions can also be facilitated over the phone.
One-to-one or group therapy and counselling for children and adults with a range of difficulties, including but not limited to PTSD, depression, eating disorders, addiction, generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), self-harming, relationship issues, and rape and childhood sexual abuse counselling. This can be provided in person, remotely online, or through hybrid format according to what the client can manage.
Working with people around anxiety linked to autism.
One-to-one therapeutic life story work with children, young people and adults.
Linking therapy sessions with wider support around a person where they consent to such sharing in order to inform need.
Linking therapy to assessments which might be shared with employers/schools for example, so as to inform workplace or educational adjustments.
Supportive counselling for staff, for example with regard to stress and anxiety.
We accept referrals from GPs, local authorities and allied health care professionals in addition to parents or individuals. Often individuals have secured off-list referrals from GPs (i.e. referral to a specialist clinician outwith the NHS) so that access to therapy is not delayed by NHS local capacity or waiting list pressure.
Clinical supervision for organisations and individual practitioners, as well as training/practice supervision including coaching and practitioner work on a theoretical and practical basis.
Therapeutic plans are developed in collaboration with the individual, ensuring that they are bespoke and personalised to the needs of that individual. We have an experienced staff team who are supervised by clinical and counselling psychologists.
Our areas of expertise include stress support and management, trauma support and immediate support and debriefing. We also offer support through a Low Arousal, positive psychology ethos, which includes mindfulness, relaxation, and cognitive coping skills. Our team of counsellors have a broad range of skills, ranging from counselling, cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), and other forms of psychotherapy.
For further information or to discuss options around therapy and counselling, please submit a referral.