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Exciting Developments from Across the Globe

Updated: 5 days ago

Keep up to date with Studio 3's projects in Ireland, Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Germany and the UK

1) Ireland: We are continuing to grow and expand both our training and behaviour consultancy services. In June we had a highly successful conference in Tralee organised by Studio 3 Kerry. There is also an increase in applications for our Atlass autism and stress programmes. We continue to provide clinical support and training to 20 different organisations in the Irish Republic, and we now have over 80 operational trainers in the Irish Republic delivering managing challenging behaviour training.

2) Denmark: Low arousal is very much embedded into the Danish psyche. Whilst we continue to grow in areas such as intellectual disabilities and autism organisations, we are also providing crisis management training in psychiatric facilities and services for older adults. One area of note is the collaboration between Pindstrupskolen and Professor Andy McDonnell in developing a wellbeing-based ethos.

3) Sweden: Bo Heilskov Elvén continues with his doctoral research applying low arousal approaches with families in Southern Sweden. Training in managing challenging behaviour continues to grow all over Sweden. We also note that an interest to develop Swedish-based Atlass trainers is very strong.

4) Germany: Our colleagues at Autea continue to expand Studio 3’s training programme. We particularly note that they are now also delivering our training in Austria.

5) Canada: There are approximately 12 train trainers in Canada (based in Nova Scotia and Alberta). In 2019, we anticipate this number increasing to between 44-48. Thank you to Debbie Pugh for organising a low arousal training day in August 2018 in Vancouver. In September, Andy McDonnell attended the Atlantic Abilities conference in Halifax. Harman Singh from the Breton Ability Centre in Sydney Nova Scotia presented about successful restraint reduction. This four-year project has demonstrated the effectiveness of our training in reducing restrictive practices. Finally, special mention must be given to Maureen Bennie and the Autism Awareness Centre in Calgary for partnering with Studio 3 to bring the low arousal message to Canada.

6) UK: There are many notable projects underway, but we would like to give particular mention to the work of our colleague Gareth Morewood of Priestnall School, who is helping our colleagues to develop a range of training options for schools and young people. Congratulations also to Daniel Rippon at the University of Northumbria, who has submitted his doctoral thesis on carer stress! In partnership with Studio 3, Daniel and his colleagues are developing a ‘stress tool kit’ for organisations. His work is going to be developed and applied across the Studio 3 organisation.


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