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Free Webinar Schedule

We regularly host a series of free webinars on a range of topics from a variety of speakers, such as professionals and experts by lived experience. These free webinars last for 1 hour and include live presentations with an opportunity to pose questions to the speaker during the presentation. 
Scroll down for past webinar resources, available to watch on playback for up to 3 months after the live event. For more live events, check out our upcoming Web Conferences here!

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Catch Up on Past Webinars

Monday 7th October 2024, 5pm - 6pm BST

Topic:  Evaluating the Use of Flexible Seating in a Mainstream Primary School for Neurotypical and Neurodivergent Pupils 

Speakers: Heba Al-Jayoosi

Heba Al-Jayoosi an Assistant Headteacher and Inclusion Leader at a school in East London, and has been seconded as a deputy regional lead at Whole School SEND, a consortium hosted by the National Association for Special Educational Needs. Heba is passionate about meaningful inclusion for pupils with special educational needs in schools, and is currently undertaking a PhD which explores ways  to improve home school collaboration for caregivers of autistic pupils from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. 

In this webinar, Heba will talk about her collaboration with academic partners to introduce and evaluate the use of flexible seating as a whole-school adaptation in a mainstream primary school. She will share the process, findings, and implications of the evaluation for education settings.

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Monday 9th September 2024, 5pm - 6pm BST

Topic:  Sensory Sensitivity - An Insider's Perspective

Speakers: Louise Egelund Jensen

Louise is a 43 year-old autistic woman living in Fredericia, Denmark with her miniature poodle, Bodil. Louise was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome at the age of 17 after years of depression and an eating disorder, and over the years has created an autism friendly life for herself, fully embracing who she is; a successful autistic person, rather than a failed neurotypical.

Louise has been a public speaker about her life with autism since 2002, and has written 5 books, one on her daily dealings with sensory sensitivity. 

In this free webinar, Louise will give an inside perspective on how it feels to live with sensory issues, and what she does to alleviate the effects of sensory sensitivity in her daily life, in the hope that understanding how it feels for her will help you understand how it may feel for others with similar issues. Louise has sensory issues with all 5 main senses, as well as proprioception, vestibular sense and interoception, which will all be covered in this presentation.

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Monday 15th July 2024, 5pm - 6pm UK Time

Topic:  Living a Good Life

Speakers: Liz Leach Murphy and Amanda Topps 

Liz has significant expertise in designing and implementing community and organisational based projects and delivery alongside the public, charity and social enterprise sector. Amanda has over 30 years’ experience in adult social care ultimately specialising in project management, research and evaluation with organisations in the public, third and private sectors committed to humanising their approach in adult health and social care. 

In this webinar, Liz and Amanda discuss why people's lives should not be defined by the limitations and restrictions of services. It's about time we started listening to what really matters in a person's life, and together finding a way to make that possible. Thinking about achieving a good life from a place of community first can make a pathway for the richness of connections and resources that reside within it.

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Monday 10th June 2024, 5pm - 6pm UK Time

Education Webinar Series

Topic:  Keeping the Tank Full: Supporting Staff and the School Community with Well-being

Speaker: Rachel Chilver

Rachel Chilver is an experienced mental health lead in schools who is passionate about supporting young people, staff and the wider community to thrive. With almost 20 years’ experience in the education sector, Rachel provides support to senior leaders in developing and delivering a mental health and well-being provision that supports the whole school community.

In this webinar, Rachel discusses supporting school staff, and thus the community at large, with their own well-being.

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Monday 13th May 2024, 5pm - 6pm UK Time

Education Webinar Series

Topic:  Relational and Connection (not Behavour) Policies

Speaker: Shahana Knight

Shahana Knight is an award-winning childhood trauma specialist and the founder and director of TPC therapy Ltd, a mental health service for children and young people. She works within the education and care sector as well as with charities. 

In this webinar, Shahana will speak about implementing relational and connection policies, rather than thinking in a traditional way about behavioural policies. 

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Monday 29th April 2024, 5pm - 6pm UK Time

Education Webinar Series

Topic:  Fostering Well-being: 10 Effective Approaches for Neurodivergent Students

Speaker: Victoria Nunn

Victoria has more than 25 years of experience working in a variety of specialist, mainstream, primary and secondary schools in England. Currently, Victoria is sharing her expertise with others as a SEND consultant, collaborating with families, schools, colleges, and workplaces to enhance well-being and academic success for neurodivergent individuals.

In this webinar, Victoria speaks about fostering well-being in educational environments, and effective approaches to support neurodivergent students in mainstream and specialist settings. 

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Monday 15th April 2024, 5pm - 6pm UK Time

Topic:  Exploring Studio 3 Training: Non-aversive Approaches and Beyond

Speaker: Paul Burbage

This online webinar is dedicated to understanding the principles and methodologies of Studio 3 Training. Answering questions that families, carers, and professionals in the field of behavioural support may have about what we teach on our training courses, this webinar offers a deeper exploration of Studio 3's unique approach to training, and how we differ from other training organisations.


Studio 3 Trainer Paul Burbage will outline the ways in which Studio 3 Training goes beyond conventional methods by emphasising non-aversive approaches, Low Arousal techniques, and teaching a limited physical skills syllabus to training participants. In this session, viewers will delve into the core philosophies that underpin Studio 3's training programmes, gaining valuable insights into effective behavioural management strategies that prioritise the dignity and well-being of individuals being supported.

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Monday 25th March 2024, 5pm - 6pm UK Time

Topic:  The Low Arousal Approach Demystified: Separating Fact from Fiction

Speaker: Professor Andrew McDonnell

In this free live webinar, Professor Andrew McDonnell will be exploring some of the preconceptions and myths surrounding the application of Low Arousal Approaches. Whilst some people think that Low Arousal means giving in, doing nothing, or reinforcing negative behaviours, Professor McDonnell will look at the arousal mechanisms behind the concept of Low Arousal, and demonstrate how Low Arousal Approaches work in practice.

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Monday 26th February 2024, 5pm - 6pm UK Time

Topic:  Changing Perceptions: Challenging Behaviour, or Behaviour of Concern?

Speaker: Jeanette Johansson-Ånmark

Jeanette Johansson-Ånmark is an educator and supervisor at Studio 3 Sweden, and has over 30 years of experience in social work of various forms with a broad experience of working with people who have increased vulnerabilities and stress sensitivities, such as neuropsychiatric difficulties. Jeanette is has also written several books on Low Arousal in Swedish with Komlitt and Gothia Kompetens publishers.


In this webinar, Jeanette will examine what ‘challenging’ behaviours are, and how we can better understand behaviours to work to meet the needs behind the distress.


Monday 29th January 2024, 5pm - 6pm UK Time

Education Webinar Series

Topic:  Using The Saturation Model As A Tool For School Improvement

Speaker: Gareth D. Morewood

In this free live webinar, Educational Adviser Gareth D. Morewood will be speaking about implementing the Saturation Model as a tool for school improvement in mainstream and specialist educational settings. 

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Monday 11th December 2023, 5pm - 6pm UK Time

Topic:  Stress Reduction Strategies for the Holidays

Speaker: Professor Andrew McDonnell

The Christmas season can be an especially stressful time for parents, carers, and professionals. In this webinar, Professor Andrew McDonnell will look at how we can lower our own stress levels, implement Low Arousal strategies, and manage crisis situations that may occur during this busy period.

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Monday 20th November 2023, 5pm - 6pm UK Time

Topic:  Debunking Physical Interventions Myths

Speaker: Professor Andrew McDonnell

In this free live webinar, Professor Andrew McDonnell will be exploring some of the myths around physical interventions training and practice in the crisis management industry, and discussing what Studio 3 considers to be best practice for organisations and individuals who work with distressed behaviour.

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Monday 6th November 2023, 5pm - 6pm UK Time

Topic:  Finding Connections with Autistic People and/or People with Learning Disabilities Who Primarily Use Non-spoken  Communication

Speaker: Beverley Samways

This webinar will discuss the importance of building relationships with autistic people and/or people with learning disabilities, particularly those with little or no spoken communication. 

Dr Beverley Samways is the director of a social enterprise called Unique Connections. They specialise in developing unique relational and trauma-informed approaches for supporting individuals with learning disabilities and autistic people who self-injure or who are experiencing overwhelming emotional distress. 


Monday 23rd October 2023, 5pm - 6pm UK Time

Topic: Curiosity, Wondering & Making Meaning of Trauma Experiences: How Our Story Makes Us Who We Are

Speaker: David Walker

The whole make up of early life experiences influence who we are; the way we see ourselves and our ability for connection and belonging. Many of the children and adults we support have internalised damaging messages, which have affected the way they see themselves in relation to others and their environment. Many blame themselves, consciously and unconsciously, for being who they are, and believe that everything went wrong the moment they were born. Using their stories provides a narrative of fact and imagination from which they can positively challenge preconceived distorted thinking and understand that often it's not them but us that have caused the problem.

In this free webinar, Studio 3 practitioner David Walker, who specialises in working with looked after children in foster and residential care, will speak about using curiosity and meaning making to help people understand themselves and the world around them. 

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Monday 11th September 2023, 5pm - 6pm UK Time

Topic: Interoception, the 8th Sense: How Curiosity can support Co-Regulation and Promote Inner Validation and Understanding

Speaker: Kelly Mahler and Rachael Thompson

Interoception is an important sensory system that helps us to experience internal body signals like a full bladder, growling stomach, tense muscles or speeding heart. Research indicates that our ability to clearly notice and interpret these internal body signals enables us to accurately identify and manage how we feel. This webinar will provide an overview of what the latest research tells us about interoception as well as how we can use a process of curiosity and co-regulation to validate a client’s interoceptive experience and promote inner connection and self-understanding.

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Monday 21st August 2023, 5pm - 6pm UK Time

Topic: Creating Autism-Friendly Communities

Speaker: Adam Harris, CEO of AsIAm Charity

Adam Harris is the Founder and CEO of AsIAm, Ireland’s National Autism Charity. Adam founded the organisation based on his own experiences growing up on the autism spectrum. Today, AsIAm provides support to the autism people and their families, advocates on behalf of the community, and works to support public and private sector organisations and communities in becoming inclusive and accessible. In this webinar, Adam will discuss the common barriers which Autistic people experience, and the work of AsIAm in seeking to create a society in which every Autistic person has the same chance to live, work and learn 'as they are.'

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Monday 3rd July 2023, 5pm - 6pm UK Time

Topic: Whose Behaviour is Challenging Who?

Speakers: Elly Chapple and Professor Andrew McDonnell

In this free webinar, founder of CanDoELLA and campaigner Elly Chapple will discuss the question of whose behaviour needs to change with Studio 3 Clinical Psychologist Professor Andrew McDonnell. Elly is a strong believer in 'flipping the narrative' around behaviour change to focus less on the behaviour of individuals and more on what supporters can do to create calm, low arousal environments. 

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Monday 19th June 2023, 5pm - 6pm UK Time

Topic: The Mysterious Qualities of a Positive Relationship

Speaker: David Walker

In this free webinar, Studio 3 practitioner David Walker who specialises in working with looked after children in foster and residential care will speak about using trauma-informed care approaches to help children and adults who have experienced trauma to have a good life. 

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Monday 5th June 2023, 5pm - 6pm UK Time

Topic: Safeguarding Autistic Girls: Well-being and Being Well

Speaker: Dr. Carly Jones

Dr Carly Jones, author of 'Safeguarding Autistic Girls: Strategies for Professionals' and campaigner for Autistic rights and inclusion, will discuss autistic girls and safeguarding well-being. In recent years, awareness, recognition, and diagnosis of Autistic women and girls has grown. Sadly, the safeguarding issues and abuse experienced by Autistic women and girls historically is still as prevalent today as ever. This talk will explore how and why Autistic women and girls can be vulnerable to perpetrators of abuse, and discuss strategies that can help us keep one another safer.

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Monday 15th May 2023, 5pm - 6pm UK Time

Topic: Factors that Influence Carer Well-Being

Speaker: Dr. Daniel Rippon, Assistant Professor at Northumbria University

The process of providing effective care can be both challenging and rewarding. There are various factors that can impact caregivers in their capacity to meet the biological, psychological and social needs of their care recipients. In this webinar, Daniel will present research to illustrate some of the factors that can impact the well-being of professional and family caregivers. 

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Monday 17th April 2023, 5pm - 6pm UK Time

Topic: Supporting Low Arousal Practices at Home

Speaker: Maureen Bennie, Director of the Autism Awareness Centre

The Low Arousal Approach is anchored by the four pillars of relationship building, trust, respect and a philosophy of care. Without these four things, it’s hard for a person to feel confident, secure and safe. This webinar will explore different ways to support Low Arousal Approaches through understanding autistic neurology, creating predictability, building interoceptive awareness, and incorporating physical activity into the day. We’ll look at ways to support happiness and well-being through interests and leisure activities.


Maureen Bennie will share what things have worked best for her two adult autistic children. Learning and adopting the Low Arousal Approach supported her vision for a high quality of life that in turn has fostered a successful adulthood.

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Monday 3rd April 2023, 5pm - 6pm UK Time

Topic: To Shine by Not Shining

Speaker: Joe Powell, Chief Executive of All Wales People First

Joe Powell, Chief Executive of All Wales People First will be speaking about the difference between what we say we do, and what we actually do in practice. Joe will discuss the importance of humility and self-reflection, and how our ego can become a barrier to positive and productive communication.

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Monday 6th March 2023, 5pm - 7pm UK Time

Topic: Trauma-Informed Approaches: A Practitioner's Perspective

Speaker: Jamie Emberson

Jamie’s usual informative and entertaining style will explore Trauma-Informed Approaches from the areas of his own lived-experience and theoretical perspectives, bridging the gap between theory & practice. Examples of simple trauma-informed approaches to use on an ordinary day to day basis will be explored. This talk will focus on the alignment of trauma-informed approaches with compassion and strengths-based well-being approaches that promote and result in increased flourishing for us all.


Monday 20th February 2023, 5pm - 7pm UK Time

Topic: The Battle for Control

Speaker: Professor Andrew McDonnell

Distressed behaviours evoke powerful emotional responses for all involved. Psychologist Albert Bandura stated 'all behaviour is about perception.' A huge problem in changing minds about behaviour is that people need to feel in control. This talk will focus on how we can resolve within ourselves our need to control the behaviours of the people we support.

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Monday 23rd January 2023, 5pm - 7pm UK Time

Topic: Understanding Stress and Coping - A Whole-School Approach

Speaker: Gareth Morewood

This webinar will highlight key challenges and areas of stress that young people can face in educational settings, and what practitioners and parents/carers can do to improve their outcomes. Drawing on considerable experience of leading provision within schools and advising others, our educational adviser Gareth Morewood will lead participants through practical ideas and approaches that keep young people and their families central to decision making.

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Monday 5th December 2022, 5pm - 7pm UK Time

Topic: Supporting Families from a Low Arousal Perspective

Speaker: Mary Maher

At Studio 3 we recognise that the best outcome for individuals occurs when their support systems all use the same approach. We therefore consider it paramount to support families, and provide much-needed psychological and emotional support to families as they begin to implement the Low Arousal Approach in their homes. Mary Maher is part of Studio 3’s family support team providing advice and support to families beginning to understand and apply Low Arousal Approaches, and also supports her own daughter using the Low Arousal Approach. 

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Monday 21st November 2022, 5pm - 7pm UK Time

Topic: Understanding Stress Management: The Atlass Approach

Speaker: Paul Phillips

Studio 3 principal trainer Paul Phillips will be speaking about the Studio 3 Atlass approach to stress management, which looks at the stress and coping of carers, family members and supporters, as well as how to best support individuals with their own stress and arousal levels. 


Monday 7th November 2022, 5pm - 7pm UK Time

Topic: Self-Injury: A Low Arousal Approach

Speaker: Paul Burbage

Studio 3 trainer and practitioner Paul Burbage will be speaking about Self-Injurious Behaviour that adults and young people may present with when they are distressed or as part of their stereotyped or ritual behaviours. He will discuss how supporters and carers can utilise Low Arousal strategies and approaches to better understand and support those individuals who self-injure.

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Monday 15th August 2022, 5pm - 7pm UK Time

Topic: Coping with Stress and Adversity

Speaker: Raj Soren

Life coach and author Raj Soren will be speaking about his own personal experiences of stress, and the coping strategies he has learned along the way. His recent publication, Coping with Stress and Adversity: Inspirational Stories shares real-life stress stories from people around the globe. Raj shares experiences and various techniques for overcoming our stressful daily lives. 

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Monday 30th May 2022

Topic: Freedom from Restraint and Seclusion

Speaker: Professor Andrew McDonnell

The restraint and seclusion of vulnerable people is a pressing issue in the care industry. Whether you are a parent, professional or practitioner, it is important to dare to dream, and focus on making these practices a thing of the past. Many people who support vulnerable people do not want to apply coercive methods, but can often struggle to see an alternative. For 30 years, the Studio 3 organisation, led by Professor Andrew McDonnell, has championed approaches that not only reduce the practice of restraint and seclusion, but also aim to eradicate it.

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Monday 27th September 2021

Topic: Connections Over Compliance

Speaker: Lori Desautels, PhD

Dr. Lori Desautels has been an Assistant Professor at Butler University since 2016, where she teaches both Undergraduate and Graduate programmes. Lori has designed a graduate certification to meet the needs of educators, counsellors, and administrators who work beside children and adolescents who have, and are, experiencing adversity and trauma. Lori’s work in neuroscience centres around illustrating how educators, practitioners and professionals must understand their neuroanatomy to regulate behaviour and calm the brain, and her work has many implications in the sector of managing challenging behaviour within care environments and educational settings.


Tuesday 22nd June 2021

Topic: Autistic Girls

Speakers: Lynn McCann and Jodie Smitten

Lynn McCann is an autism specialist teacher providing support, training, advice and resources, as well as being a powerful advocate and author. Jodie Smitten is an autism specialist with years of experience working with autistic children as well as supporting autistic children of her own. Lynn and Jodie will co-present on supporting autistic girls, with Jodie speaking about masking and Lynn speaking about supporting anxiety and self-esteem. 


Monday 12th April 2021

Topic: 'A Family Perspecitve on Lockdown and Stress'

Speaker: Dr Carrie Grant MBE - Broadcaster, Coach and Campaigner

Carrie is a BAFTA award-winning broadcaster, vocal coach and advocate. Her TV and music career has spanned over 40 years. Carrie is President of the Unite Union for Community Practitioners and Health Visitors (CPHVA) as well as being the Patient Lead for the College of Medicine and an Ambassador for Crohn’s & Colitis UK, The National Autistic Society and The Diana Award. She is Mum to four children with special needs, and is a keen campaigner  on the subject of Health and Education. Together with her husband, David, she runs a support group for families of autistic girls (inc non-binary/trans) with over 150 families. Carrie will be speaking about the impact of lockdown on families and stress levels. 


Tuesday 28th July 2020

Topic: 'Challenging' Behaviour

Speaker: Jamie Emberson, Director of Wellbeing at Changing Lives Building Dreams (CLBD)

Jamie joins us again for another insightful webinar into the world of 'challenging' behaviour, the stigma around how we perceive behaviour in the caring environment, and what we as practitioners, carers and supporters can do to change the way behaviour is viewed and managed. This session will, as Elly Chapple would say, 'flip the narrative' on how we view behaviour, and whose behaviour really matters.


Tuesday 21st July 2020

Topic: Neurodiversity - It Takes All Different Kinds of Mind

Speaker: Andrew Smith, Inclusion Ambassador and SEND Advocate for schools

"Education shouldn't just be about getting good grades. I know first hand as I got the best GCSEs in my school, but dropped out of university a few years later due to immense difficulties.

I am also autistic, and it turns out people like me need more than just good grades to thrive.

I now work as the Inclusion Ambassador/ SEND Advocate at Bury Council, in addition to running the Facebook page ‘Autistic Life’ in my spare time. My goal is to make sure that the current generation of SEND children and young people avoid the struggles previous generations have faced.

I want to share what should be done differently based on my experience, and the experiences of over 3,000 SEND children and young people who have shared their thoughts with me on what will enable them to succeed. We have created our top 5 things that every parent or professional needs to know or do.”

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Tuesday 7th July 2020

Topic: The PERMAH Model and Character Strengths

Speaker: Jamie Emberson, Director of Wellbeing at Changing Lives Building Dreams (CLBD)

Jamie is part of the Studio III Team and is a Consultant with them for Mindfulness and Emotional and Social Intelligence. His interests as a practitioner are in the fields of Mindfulness, Positive Psychology Interventions and Strengths-based approach practices. Jamie will be speaking about the PERMAH Model and how it can be applied to support distressed people, as well as the importance of Character Strengths and their relationship to the Model. Audience participation is invited during this session.


Tuesday 30th June 2020

Topic: Mindfulness for Families and Staff

Speaker: Dene Donalds, Co-founder of Pathways Associates Community Interest Company 

Dene is the co-founder of Pathways who, with its sister organisation North West Training and Development Team, are working towards the full inclusion of disabled people in community life, through partnerships with disabled people, families and organisations. Research has shown that mindfulness may prove to be valuable in assisting family members, supporters and staff to enhance the quality of life of individuals with developmental disabilities. This presentation will describe what mindfulness is and how supporters can use mindfulness in practical ways to improve the quality of life of individuals they support. 

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Tuesday 16th June 2020

Topic: Low Arousal Approaches in Older Adults

Speaker: Steve Allison, Studio 3 Principle Trainer

Principle trainer in de-escalation and crisis management, Steve Allison, joins us this week to talk about applying Low Arousal Approaches with older adults who may have acquired brain injuries, dementia, autism, or a range of additional needs. Whilst the focus is often on children and young people who display distressed behaviour, Low Arousal Approaches can also be used to support older adults experiencing distress at home or in care settings. 

For more information on the Low Arousal Approach, why not check out our one-day training available every Friday.

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Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Topic: Eradicating Restraint and Seclusion

Speaker: Professor Andrew McDonnell

Originator of the Low Arousal Approach and a strong advocate for the eradication of restrictive practices in care settings, Professor Andrew McDonnell shares his practical approaches to creating a restraint and seclusion free culture. This presentation will contain a combination of academic theories and practical examples in ways to not only reduce, but eliminate restraint and seclusion for young people and adults in care settings.


Tuesday 26th May 2020

Topic: There's Much More to Life than Services

Speaker: Bob Rhodes, Lives Through Friends

Bob has spent more than half a century exploring and demonstrating what it takes to design and deliver services that support people to pursue a self-directing and relationship-rich good life rather than a service dependent existence. He’ll share his framework for change at every level in this webinar.


'We have only to list those things that truly make our lives worth living to understand that, when community becomes commercialised and care professionalised, life is hollowed out.'

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Tuesday 12th May 2020

Topic: Lean on Me: The Psychobiological Cost of Caregiving

Speaker: Professor Mark Wetherell, Northumbria University

Mark is a specialist in the psychobiological causes and consequences of stress, how stress gets inside the body and why it has different effects on different people. This talk will describe what happens when we get stressed and how this can be helpful in the short-term. To show the long-term effects of chronic stress on health and well-being, Mark will present research on caregivers and highlight findings that could be important in developing techniques to buffer the harmful effects of chronic stress.

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Tuesday 5th May 2020

Topic: Causes and Management of Self-Injurious Behaviours

Speaker: Paul Burbage, Studio 3

Paul is a Studio 3 Trainer specialising in managing distressed behaviour. With over 13 years’ experience, his background is in adult and children Autism and Learning Disabilities services in Australia, Ireland and the UK in front-line and service management roles, as well as with behaviour management training delivery in Ireland and the UK. This will focus on practical advice for supporting individuals in crisis who struggle to manage self-injurious behaviour based on the Low Arousal Approach.

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Tuesday 28th April 2020

Topic: Sulky, Rowdy, Rude: Using Low Arousal Approaches to Manage Behaviour of Concern in Children and Young People

Bo is a clinical psychologist based in Scandinavia whose work has fundamentally focused on managing distressed behaviour. Drawing on his book of the same title, Bo Hejlskov Elvén will present on applying a Low Arousal framework to managing behaviour of concern. Have you ever been in a situation where someone’s behaviour seems too challenging to handle? This talk will focus on how, by dealing with our own stress and behaviour first, we can manage and in time reduce crisis incidents such as these.

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Tuesday 21st April 2020

Topic: The Relationship is the Therapy - Complex Children Need Kind and Slightly Crazy Carers

Studio 3 Director and originator of the 'Good Life' Foster Care approach using the Safety, Stability, Repair and Resilience (SSRR) Model, David Walker specialises in therapeutically-led placements for children in care. Although David's seminar will focus on using the SSRR approach in foster care and residential children's services, his webinar will resonate for anyone who works therapeutically with people who have led complex and difficult lives.

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Tuesday 14th April 2020

Topic: Psychoeducation: Should I Tell My Child They Have Autism,

and How?

Internationally-respected Autism expert Peter Vermeulen will be speaking about Psychoeducation, the process of informing an individual about their diagnosis. Peter argues that this should be done in a positive, honest and - most importantly - fun way that encourages children (and adults) to embrace their diagnosis. 

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Tuesday 7th April 2020

Topic: Using Low Arousal Approaches in Learning Environments

Educational Adviser Gareth D Morewood will be speaking about how to practically implement Low Arousal Approaches in schools and other learning environments using a whole-school, inclusive model. 

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Tuesday 31st March 2020

Topic: The Low Arousal Approach: A Practitioner's Guide

The first in our series of free online webinars was presented by Professor Andrew McDonnell, who spoke about Low Arousal Approaches to managing challenging behaviour, and what makes a good low arousal practitioner.

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