Martin Galvin
Martin has been supporting people with Autism for over 28 years at Gheel Autism Services, Dublin. Over the years, he has held many roles such as front-line staff member, Training and Development Officer, Behaviour Support Specialist and Clinical Co-ordinator. Martin is also a Mindfulness Trainer, promoting self-care amongst staff, supporting them to cope with stressful situations in the workplace. Martin is passionate about supporting people with autism and their carers to cope with anxiety and stress.
Martin is a former Regional Tutor at Birmingham University, which delivers the world's online Webautism Course, launched in 2001. In addition, Martin is a former part-time lecturer (Autism module) and External Examiner (Management Courses) with the Open Training College, Dublin.
Martin has been a Studio 3 Trainer for 18 years, training staff and families to manage distressed individuals using a Low Arousal Approach. He has also been involved in delivering Studio 3 Low Arousal training to organisations in the UK, Ireland, Germany and South Africa.
Martin is a firm believer in Barry Prizant's premise that there is no such thing as autistic behaviours; they are all human behaviours, and human responses are based on a person's experience (2015).