LASER Approach Details
The LASER approach is a flexible and bespoke training programme that can be specifically tailored to each school and educational setting as required. This applies to mainstream schools and specialist provisions, and can be personalised to a wide range of settings. The course can also be customised by commission to focus on particular areas of concern for the setting, for example if reducing restrictive practice is a key goal, or developing inclusive pedagogy, or a focus on whole-school systems.
The course can be delivered in sessions to suit the setting, with optional ongoing supervision and coaching. Generally, the course will focus on the following three concepts, though this will be tailored to meet the specific needs of the setting.
An Introduction to Whole School Approaches
Applying Low Arousal Approaches with Positive Practice
A Focus on Stress and Well-being
This programme is exclusive in nature and requires a long-term commitment to the programme. LASER is a partnership, therefore we will be highly selective in regards to which organisations we choose to move forward with. Our goal at Studio 3 is to implement training 'systems,' and cultivate real change across the entire school.
Key Concepts
This course is evidence-based but with a strong experiential focus. The key concepts and models on which this course is founded are:
The PERMA Model - A positive psychological stress and well-being approach
Co-production – Creating a school-wide focus on well-being with the assistance of parents, carers and guardians
The Saturation Model – whole-school responses to supporting autistic young people
Low Arousal Approaches – De-escalation and crisis management within school settings
Reflective Practice - Becoming a Reflective Practitioner
Course Information
The LASER programme is a cost-effective method of making a real difference in schools, and creating calm, low arousal environments for optimal learning to the benefit of all students. Our goal is to change the narrative about crisis management, and to prevent restrictive practices being used in any school setting as a means of managing behaviour. By creating systemic change within school cultures, we aim to reduce tension and potential risk factors as a result of reduced institutional stress.
The goal of this course is to foster organisational and environmental resilience by providing an understanding of arousal and emotional regulation, and how stress and dysregulation can lead to instances of challenging behaviour. With this core understanding in place, it is then possible to monitor the environment and stress levels of staff and pupils alike to create calm, low arousal environments which are optimal for learning. Our aim is to create ‘low arousal schools’ in which autistic and non-autistic students may thrive together, as part of an inclusive support system.
The LASER Approach consists of eight sections that are designed to be delivered as a personalised approach for any setting where education is provided, be that in the home, special education centres, or mainstream schools. Additional coaching and support will allow settings to undergo a culture change, depending upon the individual needs identified. The main elements of the LASER Approach fuse the critically acclaimed Saturation Model (Morewood et al., 2011) alongside Low Arousal Approaches, in the following eight areas:
Stress and Well-being (of staff and for young people including the PERMA model)
Whole-School Approaches (including The Saturation Model and co-production)
Inclusion (including inclusive pedagogy, classroom structures and routines)
Low Arousal Approaches (focus on key elements of Low Arousal)
Reducing Restrictive Practices (including practical alternatives)
De-Escalation (developing and embedding structures, practice and policy)
Being a Reflective Practitioner (how to develop this as part of a systems approach)
Developing metacognition and self-regulation (including Stress Support Plans/Passports)

This course will deal with key areas of research and theory such as stress, understanding arousal, meta-cognition, and the saturation model. There will also be a practical focus on reducing restrictive practices, implementing low arousal approaches with positive practice and excellence in de-escalation and the prevention of behaviours of concern. Overall, there is a strong focus on the importance of stress reduction and well-being for all members of the school community – including staff, parents and pupils. The individual elements of the programme can be customised based on the individual needs of the school or organisation. For example, a focus on restraint reduction may be a key area of concern for one school, but less necessary for another. As such, the contents and focus of the course can be adapted based on the requirements of the organisation or school in question.
Ongoing Support and Supervision
As part of the commitment to developing outstanding practitioners, the LASER Programme offers ongoing supervision and support for delegates, through a blend of coaching, reflective practice and additional support materials.
This course can be delivered in person to a staff group or school within their setting, or online to a group of individuals from the same setting. For more information about small group, interactive, web-based LASER training for up to 12 members of staff, please get in touch. To discuss booking LASER approach training for your setting, or to find out more about the LASER approach to education, please contact us by calling 01225 334 111 or email
Applying for the LASER Approach
If you are interested in finding out more about how the LASER Approach could benefit your school or educational organisation, please contact our office. Courses are provided on an individualised, opt-in basis, such that interested parties may apply to be considered, pending a consultation with the training team and analysis of sustainability.
We seek to implement training 'systems' rather than deliver one-off training to schools, which means that successful applicants for the LASER programme will already have in place philosophies and practice which compliment a Low Arousal Approach to inclusive pedagogy. In schools where there may be significant culture change required, we may suggest that key members of staff undergo preliminary training in Low Arousal Approaches prior to the delivery of LASER training.
In order to evaluate the extent of each individual schools' training needs, we have developed a short questionnaire to help determine the nature and urgency of your school's requirements. One of the key aims of the LASER Approach is to reduce instances of physical intervention and restrictive practices within educational settings. All schools must fill out our Training Needs Analysis Questionnaire, which acts as a Risk Assessment Tool to determine the needs of individual settings. This includes analysing the extent to which restrictive practices are currently utilised in each setting, and whether any physical skills training is required on a case-by-case basis. Please fill out the form below and attach the completed version in an introductory email to, where your request will be processed by our training team.

Book Now
LASER Approach training is available throughout the UK and internationally to book for a low cost now!
Contact our office at or call 01225334111 to register your interest now.